USDA Finalizes Rule On Product Of The USA Labeling

By Meghan Grebner


The USDA has finalized its new Product of the U.S.A. labeling rule for meat, poultry, and eggs. 

Joe Maxwell, co-founder of Farm Action, says the rule is good news for America’s farmers and ranchers.  “It was a great day to be in the room when the Secretary announced that America’s farmers and ranchers can be assured that only their meat products, those born, raised, slaughtered, and processed in the United States, will bear that American flag and that proud name Product of the USA,” he says.

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack made the announcement during his appearance at the National Farmers Union annual convention in Scottsdale, Arizona on Monday.

Maxwell says the rule addresses a loophole created by the repeal of mandatory country-of-origin labeling in 2015. “This bans corporations from lying and from being deceitful,” he says.  “And for stealing market opportunity. It’s a huge win that the Biden administration, the Secretary delivered to America’s farmers and ranchers.”  Maxwell says the announcement comes after a six-year-long fight for labeling reform.

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