Good Morning From Costa Rica

By Mike Danna
Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation Public Relations Director

A belated shout-out happy birthday to Josh Vines, who celebrated his 29th trip around the sun last night.  We celebrated with a cake provided by the restaurant.

We sang Happy Birthday, which was followed by the hotel staff, led by Dr. Guillermo Scaglia, singing Happy Birthday in Spanish.

We wrapped up early yesterday and some of us spent the late afternoon sitting by the pool enjoying an adult beverage.  Today it’s a tour of a pineapple and banana plantation.  We also move to a new hotel.

I’ve included a few new photos, including my “roommate” from last night, a large hopper who decided to get up early, crawl across my head and jump to the floor.  Who needs the snooze button when you’ve got a three-inch grasshopper in your bed?

Until next time…